Welcome to EtherNexus — Your Hub for Profitable Investment Opportunities

5 min readApr 12, 2023


In the early days of the cryptocurrency industry, investment decisions weren’t hard. You could put your money in Bitcoin, Ether, or any well-known altcoin and hodl to earn a profit. Once crypto went mainstream, though, those days ended in a hurry. Suddenly every day brought fresh news of the next big thing in crypto. Cutting-edge DeFi projects, crypto lenders, meme coins, and eventually, NFTs turned into the must-have investments du jour. It was a head-spinning time to be a crypto investor. And it only got tougher from there.

Today, learning how and where to invest in crypto is a full-time job. And even throwing oneself into the task is no guarantee of success. That’s because you still have to wade through a labyrinth of influencers, crypto marketers, and so-called experts to try and sift some useful information from all the noise.

But what if investors could avoid all that?

Sometimes, the best way to handle a task that’s outside of your expertise is to find someone who already knows how to do it and leave it to them. So, we decided to create a DeFi platform that does just that. It’s called EtherNexus, and it’s purpose-built to put experienced crypto investors in the driver’s seat, generating profits on behalf of individual investors. In other words, it’s crypto’s first true hedge fund.

How EtherNexus Works

The idea behind EtherNexus is a simple one. It begins with a DAO and staking system, which provides a place for individual investors to band together and pool their capital. All it takes to join is to purchase and stake the platform’s native token, $ENXS. Then, our team of Nexus managers takes it from there.

Nexus managers are experienced crypto traders elected through our DAO to work on behalf of stakers. It’s their job to use their knowledge, experience, and connections within the crypto industry to turn stakers’ money into profits. To do it, they make investments in the latest up-and-coming DeFi projects and blue-chip crypto assets. When their investments bear fruit, stakers all earn a share of the profits — in ETH.

With EtherNexus, beginner investors and anyone looking for the simplest and safest way to make money in crypto finally have a perfect way to do it. Holders can simply stake their $ENXS on the staking protocol and walk away until the profits start to come in. There’s no learning curve, no insider knowledge to gain, and no need to worry about timing entries and exits.

Crypto Investment Finally Made Easy

Don’t be deceived by the simplicity of the EtherNexus operating model, however. It’s designed from the ground up to be transparent and investor-controlled, like a conventional hedge fund. Stakers have the ultimate say over who gets to control the community’s treasury. As the de-facto owners of the platform and its reason for being, stakers get to vote through the DAO to decide on how the platform moves forward. That includes, of course, selecting Nexus managers and replacing them when necessary. Or, they can leave the decision-making up to others and sit back, collecting their ETH returns.

The point is, stakers can assume as much or as little control over the process as they wish. With EtherNexus, investors are king, and Nexus managers serve at their pleasure. It’s a system that places the power where it should always be — with the people investing their hard-earned money and not with insiders with their own agendas.

So, we at EtherNexus invite investors to come experience crypto investing the way it used to be. With us, hodl is a viable investment strategy again. It means less stress, less work, and more profits for the investor. We think that’s the way crypto investing should always be — and we don’t think it’ll take long for you to agree with us.

EtherNexus Tokenomics

As our all-in-one utility, governance, and exposure token, $ENXS is the heart of our platform. The token launches on the Ethereum blockchain and has a maximum total supply of 10,000,000,000. It also features a flat 5% tax on every purchase or sale — which is also the maximum tax value meaning it can never go above 5% but can be lowered to 0%.

40% of token trade tax goes to treasury for project operations, 30% directly into the EtherNexus treasury to fund Nexus managers’ investments, 20% to stakers, and the final 10% is used as an additional incentive for our Nexus managers to perform well.

At launch, 38% of the $ENXS will fund the migration from our legacy project token $MTAO. A further 25% will provide liquidity, 13% is used for pre- and post-launch marketing arrangements, 5% distributed as part of a small token presale. The remaining 19% stays in the treasury and gets split between team tokens (3%), community rewards (3%), and tokens reserved for future partnerships, CEX listings, bridge deployments (13%).

The Future is EtherNexus

Right now, we’re hard at work executing the opening steps in the first phase of our roadmap. We expect to have the $ENXS token available for purchase soon, with the launch of our staking system following shortly after.

It’s our mission to bring the hands-off, stress-free investment experience that makes EtherNexus so unique to life as soon as possible. We look forward to demonstrating that crypto investing can — and should — be as easy as buying, staking, and earning again.

And we also look forward to helping the average investor reclaim their centrality in the ultimate bottom-up financial market. Together, we can return crypto to the masses, and we can’t wait to get started.




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